5 Best URL Shortner To Shorten Long Links

Url shortener will help you reduce the amount of text in your URL can you imagine sharing a link that contain almost 20 text how do you expect people to click it it is old fashioned people won't have interest in clicking it some days back I have been hearing about URL shortener but I don't concentrate on it I neglect it when hearing it but as I was sharing one of my posts with people on WhatsApp a guy just draw my attention to it that I should always try to shorten my URL before sharing I now understand the significant of shortening url 

When sharing URL on twitter it is good to shorten URL so that your link can be retweetable by others
There are a lot of option for shortening URL online but I will list the ten best URL shorteners have been using

1. Bit.ly
this was the first url shortner i came across and i wont deceive you they provide a great a service part of their service is that you can short a URL at thesam time track the URL you shortened to know the number of click in short they are doing really good

i have been using bit.ly before i had of this url shortner it awsome try it today




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