What You Need To Know About The New Emporio Blogger Theme

As a blogger, using Blogspot platform for your blog you should notice that blogger recently added four(4) new themes which look great





All these four themes are looking stunning on blog homepages
But recently I customized a blog using the new Emporio blogger theme waooo.
I really love the theme

What do you need to know about Emporio theme

Social sharing icon: -this new blogger Emporio theme has a social sharing icon in blog homepage

The grid layout: -it display blog post in grid which blogger template don't have before
Stable header: -this feature really makes me to like the new design the blog header we remain stable even when scrolling through your blog which allows users to easily navigate through the blog

Responsive to but mobile view and desktop view: - the new design Is responsive to both the mobile and desktop view it doesn't need to add any code to your blog before it can be mobile friendly it really great

SEO friendly: - blogger engineers has also improved their working skills just like WordPress themes all the new blogger theme are SEO friendly

New comment format: -it also has a new comment format
Thumbnail: -this homepage thumbnail also is also part of it and lot more
Check the blog I customized with the emperor theme here

I used a title instead of logo
I added Gadget to my left sidebar as you can see
And also add footer navigation

 Still looking out for more customization on the new blogger theme