Blogging has now become a career for most people because of the high revenue generated from blogs
Google AdSense is the best ads network of all ads network online where many bloggers has been making money, from the ads serve on their blog
These has been what instigate many people to be a blogger, well it is good but I do tell most people that you have to work before you can make it blogging,
many people just think what they only need to do, is to setup a blog and start making money from it, I always tell them capital NO
blogging is just like the normal work how dedicated you are to it that is how you will reap your gain when they now see the procedures they have to pass through they don’t have nothing less than to run out.
To make money from blogging you need to work for it as I have said earlier that is where most bloggers are making their daily income.
Google AdSense remain the best paying ad network online.
We have two major type of Google AdSense, are you surprise continue reading you will get what am saying very soon
1 Hosted AdSense
2 Non-Hosted AdSense
I will like you to concentrate and read this post carefully because many people don’t understand what we mean when we are talking of hosted AdSense and non-hosted.
YouTube hosted,
blogspot hosted,
it is registered through one of the Google partner websites, in this type of AdSense account Ads can only be served through the host your signup Ads of these account cannot be served on other website.
if it was to be YouTube hosted AdSense Ads can only be serve through monetizing your video
If it was to be the blogger hosted account Ads can be serve on only the blog through which the AdSense is been registered.
Non-Hosted AdSense: - a non hosted AdSense account is the best AdSense account because it is not registered through any Google partner website, it is registered directly on the Google AdSense website
It can be used on any kind of blog or website be it BlogSpot, wordpress it is universal you can use it anywhere you want
For you to register these type of account you go to directly to Google AdSense direct website
Registration is free but to get approved is the difficult thing, Google don’t approve people easily with these type of account as to the hosted account.
But I believe ones you follow the start down rules you get approve easily
With the experience I have in blogging you see people talking that they are been scammed.
Yes the reason why they scam most people is that they cannot distinguish between the hosted and non hosted account you will see many people online that they wants to sell AdAense account to you they won’t tell you which type of AdSense account it is and you won’t bother to ask maybe is an hosted or non hosted account because you don’t know
let me teach you how to distinguish between hosted account and non hosted AdSense.
How to identify hosted AdSense account
Hosted account has a simple feature you can use to identify it anytime you see it so for you not to get scammed again
Immediately you signup into your approved hosted account just click on your account icon you will see a red title named Hosted account as shown in the picture below
So starting from now if anybody tells you he wants to sell an AdSense account for you make sure you ask the person is it a hosted or a non hosted account
But I will recommend you to buy non hosted AdSense account if at all you wanted to buy an AdSense account and make sure it is approved and verified
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